Quantcast The Questions - Puerto Vallarta, Massage, Ayurveda, Therapeutic Massage, aromatherapy, shirodhara, Pancha Karma, Colonics, Bucerias, yoga, Mexico

The Questions  

This test will help you to determine your body type (prakrti) and your current physiological state (vikrti). These are tested in the first two sections.

The first section asks about your original nature, the nature with which you were born. These characteristics will not change. The second section asks about your current condition: what you are experiencing right now. Please keep this in mind as you answer the questions.

The third and fourth sections determine your mental characteristics and your current emotional state, respectively. The questions in section three relate to how you think. Section four then evaluates your guna, i.e., whether you are currently in a Sattvic (advanced), Rajasic (turbulent), or Tamasic (regressive) state.

Please think carefully and be as honest as possible. The more accurate you are in assessing your qualities, the more accurate the results of the test will be. There is no grade assigned, you cannot pass or fail, except that poor choices below will return an inaccurate response that bears little or no relation to you.

You can expect it to take you no more than fifteen minutes to answer the questions and read the results. Simply check the small box next to each item that applies to you. Then press the Evaluate button at the bottom to see your results. The reply is automatic and should take but a few seconds to calculate.

Remember that this test is for general purposes only, and is not meant to take the place of a thorough evaluation by a competent practitioner. For more information, please contact us.

Stable Qualities

Changeable Qualities

Qualities of Mind

Qualities of Emotion